Light the Sky Podcast
Join us on a track-by-track, album-by-album exploration of the musical artists whose discographies spanned generations, inspired millions, and every night, lit the sky with some of the greatest stage shows seen on earth. Four not-middle-aged blokes dive into the greatest hard rock, metal, prog, and pop discographies ever to be pressed to vinyl. No interviews, no KISS talk, no filler, all killer discussion. Follow ”Light the Sky Podcast” on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS. LTS Website: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Twitch:
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Episode 55 covers the thirteenth Queen studio album, 1989's "The Miracle." Considered by some to be one of the two best 80s Queen albums (along with The Game), would you agree? Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this rock album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's thirteenth studio album "The Miracle." Tune in next week for Episode 56 covering the fourteenth Queen album "Innuendo."Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Episode 54 covers the twelfth Queen studio album, 1986's "A Kind of Magic." Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this rock album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's twelfth studio album "A Kind of Magic." Tune in next week for Episode 55 covering the thirteenth Queen album "The Miracle."Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Jumping back into the rock after the synth/dance heavy "Hot Space", Episode 53 covers Queen's eleventh studio album, 1984's "The Works." Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's eleventh studio album "The Works." Tune in next week for Episode 54 covering the twelfth Queen studio album "A Kind of Magic."Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Taking a slight break from our full Queen studio discography journey, for Bonus Episode #5 we've decided to do something special. It's co-host Chris' turn to come up with the bonus episode topic and he's decided on... "5 Favorite Guitar Solos."Looking for a list of greatest guitar solos that doesn’t include “Stairway to Heaven”, “Comfortably Numb”, or Eric Clapton? Well you’ve come to the right place. We’re a show of opinions, and as four guitar players ourselves, these are our own opinions on the best guitar solos that we appreciate most. Part I? Yes, Top 5, Part II? More on that later.Each of us brought to the show five guitar solos, without any crosstalk or hints of what we might pick ahead of time. There was no criteria or limitations other than the ability to make your case for why you connected with this particular guitar solo so much.Each solo would be given a seed, 5 (least favorite) through 1 (most favorite). After presenting them all, we’ll go through a modified version of our hilarious and savage "Love It or Flush It" section, to determine the Top Five Guitar Solos out of all of our selections for the Light the Sky Podcast.Considering that this was such a blast, we might do a Part II, as this really isn’t meant to be so much of a "Top Five of All Time - We Love Jimi Hendrix" list, but an entertaining way to introduce each other and our audience to new music.Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Taking the "Another Bites the Dust" idea and running with it for basically an entire album... Are you a fan of this direction for Queen? Episode 51 covers the tenth Queen studio album, 1982's "Hot Space." Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's tenth studio album "Hot Space." Tune in next week for Episode 52 covering a special non-Queen related bonus episode, then back to regularly scheduled programming for Episode 53 covering "The Works" the week following.Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Episode 50 covers the ninth Queen studio album/first soundtrack album for the 1980 space opera film "Flash Gordon." Some rate it as one of the stronger film soundtracks while some may wonder why Queen ever participated in this. For this episode, we've decided to listen to the album live and provide live commentary with you as you listen along. Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's ninth studio album "Flash Gordon." Tune in next week for Episode 51 covering the tenth Queen studio album "Hot Space."Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
1980... Queen enters the decade in style incorporating synth, dance, and funk into one of their biggest singles of all time. Are you a fan of this direction for the band, should they have made an entire record in this style, or do you prefer the 70s symphonic rock that made Queen famous? Episode 49 covers the eighth Queen studio album, 1980's "The Game." Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's eighth studio album "The Game." Tune in next week for Episode 50 covering the ninth Queen studio album/first soundtrack album "Flash Gordon."Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Episode 48 covers the seventh Queen studio album, 1978's "Jazz." Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this art/hard rock album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's seventh studio album "Jazz." Tune in next week for Episode 49 covering the eighth Queen album "The Game."Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Episode 47 covers the sixth Queen studio album, 1977's "News of the World." Opening the album with two of the biggest stadium anthems of all time, is this one of Queen's stronger studio albums, or is that all there is here? Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a historical journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of this art/hard rock album as well as share personal stories of discovering Queen's sixth studio album "News of the World." Tune in next week for Episode 48 covering the seventh Queen album "Jazz."Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram:
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Taking a slight break from Queen (don't worry, Episode 47 covering News of the World is coming soon) we've decided to have our 4th bonus episode covering a one-off special album brought forth by one of our hosts. For bonus episode 4, co-host Chris has brought the second album from British synthwave/retrowave group GUNSHIP, 2018's Dark All Day. Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Chris take you on a journey surrounding the album as well as share our favorites and not-so favorites from the record. We go on a deep dive track-by-track listen of GUNSHIP's second record and learn of the passion Chris has for this record. Tune in next week for Episode 47 covering the sixth Queen album "News of the World." Available at and on all podcast streaming platforms (just search "Light the Sky Podcast.")Follow "Light the Sky Podcast" on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all things LTS.Instagram: